Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tale of the Lone Ranger

If I didn’t come out and run with the group, I would never successfully run 13-14-etc miles on my own. Well maybe because I'm reaching so many firsts... my first ever running x-y-z miles. And now we are taking further. My IT Band had started to act up last week. So today’s run was challenging for me. It was much warmer. And the novelty of running longer distance had worn off. I was tired. I knew immediately I was going to be at the back of the pack. I didn't mind it. I just didn't want to be running alone. It took a good 4-5 miles before I found my stride. The whole time thinking I'm going to cut this short. Why not cut back now on the Boulevard and go home? While those thoughts bounced around in my brain, I did not bail out. I ran the miles. This week the "bike babysitter" was replaced by Ken and Leon who were the coaches running at the back. They worked in tandem to make sure I didn’t drop off the face of the earth. And I met Angela. She, too, had IT Band issues. So I wasn't alone afterall. We chatted but we mostly we ran. It was a tough one. Part of the run included crossing the Nickel Bridge (Boulevard Bridge) and down Riverside Dr. (hills hills hills) until it connected to the Lee Bridge. Leon kept running ahead and then he’d circle back to where Angela and I were running. The last 2 miles felt like 20. But I did it. I was so glad when it was over. Came home and iced the legs. Relaxing right now drinking a cold beer.

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

You are doing great! So excited to hear about your upcoming workouts. Keep working on the nutrition and hydration - you'll find what works for you.